
Reading time: 2 minutes

How Mr. Mahmud’s car tension was released?

Mr. Mahmud bought a car recently. The purchase was not a luxury rather a necessity. Problems occurred when recruiting the driver. You see his technical knowledge of cars was zero. So, when the driver was being interviewed, he had no idea what to ask. he had to finish the interview asking some mundane questions like where is his hometown or how long has he been driving. But finally he was happy. Because the driver looked like a humble and honest person. But, if he knew, what scheme this humble driver is planning in his mind!

Mr. Mahmud’s friend Jainal Hossain warned him that having a car and keeping an elephant as a pet is all the same. Mr jamal got the meaning after appointing the driver. Where the supposed cost should no  more than be  twenty thousand takas per month for salary and oil costs, in the first two months, he had to spend 30 thousand a month on an average! Not only that, there were various other issues . Mr Mahmud wasn’t finding any solutions for all these . he was having a hard time . Then, after some time of grief and scrutiny, He slowly began to understand the facts.

He took help from his expert friends. Everyone said that the receipts seem unusual . He decided not to leave the car alone since. As a result, the cost of oil / gas decreased surprisingly. Slowly he began to realize everything ! He came to know that when his driver was driving  alone, he was taking passengers  from street, and was also making fake receipts for fake maintenance issues. The most horrific thing,the driver used to take his car parts and sell it to market.

Not one, not two, six six instances of dishonesty! Mr. Mahmud fired the driver immediately.

Now Mr. Mahmud is very experienced and mature. He has Installed Vehicle Tracking System (VTS) to prevent theft of oil and monitor the drivers activity.. The friend Jainal’s advice was to use the Prohori  vehicle tracking device. He has got some benefits so far as he says. Other issues have been closely monitored now . The new driver is not getting any chance to cheat!

    To learn about guardians for vehicle security

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