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Mary Ward: The story of the first person in history to die in a car accident!

For most people, doing something for the first time in their life is considered a success. For example, Mehrab Hossain Opi made the first century in the history of Bangladesh! It is undoubtedly considered a huge success and achievement in the life of Opi and in the history of cricket in Bangladesh. In the future too, people will remember Mehrab Hossain OP as the first centurion of Bangladesh. However, it can also happen that the first event of a person’s life can hide her life’s achievements.

Mary Ward is one such person. She was an extraordinary woman in her personal life. But the cruel irony of fate, she is the first person in human history to die in a car accident.

She was a scientist!

Mary Ward was a child of Mary King’s highly respected family. The telescope invented by her cousin William Parsons was the largest telescope in the world until 1097. Mary is an artist by birth. She loved to draw pictures of insects. She painted so accurately that she sometimes used a magnifying glass to draw her pictures.

A friend of her father was an astronomer. She was so impressed with Mary Ward’s talent that she asked her father to buy him a microscope. From then on she began to observe the infinite sky through a telescope with her cousin. This is how chalk was made by astronomists.

Mary Ward is the first person in history to die in a car accident.

Mary herself realized that she liked microscopy very much. Her interest in science continues to grow. But she first realized that the school, college, and university of the then male-dominated society would not have a proper assessment of her education and merit. So she began to communicate directly with scientists through letters. She was the only woman on the Royal Astronomical Academy’s newsletter mailing list.

Realizing the need for a book with pictures on the proper use of microscopes, she published a book by drawing pictures himself. She also sold the first 250 copies. The book was reprinted by a publishing house in London after all its self-published copies were sold out, and it was reprinted until 1880.

She was a self-confident woman. Thumbs her finger at male-dominated societies and schools and does everything she can on her own or by contacting scientists directly. Also published her book for the first time due to a lack of evidence. She was even associated with two major movements of the time.

How she died in a car accident:

Coming from a science-minded family, the discovery of the first steam-powered car in 1869 by her other cousins ​​in the Tinker profession did not come as much of a surprise to him. Mary Ward was a woman who was very interested in everything around her. She did not hesitate to ride in the steam car made by her cousins ​​and go on a pleasure trip in secret. And it was this joyous journey that led to her death in a car accident.

Ancient steam-powered car

The steam-powered cars made at the time were very thick and unrefined. Driving and controlling those vehicles was also a complex task. And her cousins’ home-made steam-powered car was even heavier. One day they went out on a pleasure trip by car. Mario was with them. At one point the car suddenly took a quick turn and Mary lost her balance and fell out of the car. If she had just fallen, she might have been saved. Her luck was so bad that she fell under the heavy wheels made of car iron. Mary Ward, a talented nineteenth-century female scientist, died on the spot after falling under the wheel and injuring her neck. And through this, she wrote her name in the pages of history as the first person killed in a car accident.

Mary Ward might have been proudly remembered in the pages of history through her science-minded thinking and her written books, but an accident turned everything upside down. She is now remembered as the first person in history to be killed in a car accident.

A small way to avoid accidents!

As the pages of history have progressed, so has the technology and vehicle design. Vehicle trackers are being used for the safety and security of vehicles as much safer cars are being made than before! Using a vehicle tracker in a car, a car owner can monitor her car from anywhere in the world. You can do live track, mileage, speed, and even fuel monitoring. You will be protected from car theft, you will be protected from unwanted accidents!

    To learn about guardians for vehicle security

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