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All about Eco-friendly hybrid car!

Demand for this specialty has grown significantly as a result of recent corporate scandals. The use of these hybrid cars is becoming more and more popular in the world with the growing concern of global warming. Originally, Ferdinand Porsche invented the first hybrid technology in 1991. Hybrid technology is the integrated positioning of multiple systems. In this case, the car made with this technology can run using different types of fuel. Prior to 1997, Japanese, German, and American companies introduced a small number of cars with this technology.

Hybrid car.

Hybrid-electric vehicles or HEVs that are powered by both petrol and electricity. Gasoline is used as a powerful source of power supply in hybrids. Resulting in lower emissions and gas mileage. These vehicles are equipped with diesel and petrol as well as multiple electric motors and batteries. A special aspect of this car is that it can combine fossil fuels and alternative fuels. As a result, these cars can run on a combination of electricity and fuel. And the fuel consumption of these hybrid cars is much lower than other types of cars.

How a hybrid car works.

Hybrid cars have two types of motor systems. One is a petrol engine and the other is an electric motor. Most of the time hybrid cars are powered only by their petrol engines. When additional power is required, the electric motor can help the petrol engine. Thanks to regenerative braking technology, the hybrid car’s electric motor does not need to be charged from the outside. In this case, the battery of the car can recover the used electricity from the mechanical friction of the engine and the braking mechanism. The regenerative system generates an electric charge in the battery while the car is running.

Repair and maintenance process.

There is no hassle and cost in repairing and maintaining this car. Hybrid cars need less repair. Most vehicles do not require special maintenance. However, the concern is that service centers for hybrid vehicles have not been developed in our country. And many mechanics are not well versed in the technology of this car.

Positive aspects of hybrid cars.

The mileage of eco-friendly hybrid vehicles tends to be higher than other petrol vehicles. Since this type of car runs on both the fuel-powered engine and electric engine. Hybrid batteries operate at much higher voltages than conventional vehicles. This also results in better mileage. Also, the battery of the hybrid car is charged automatically. And even if the fuel runs out, the car runs on batteries. This car uses the electricity stored in the battery even when there is a traffic jam. These larger batteries make cars more fuel-efficient. These batteries are usually made of nickel or lithium. Which does not have any adverse effect on the environment. Also, these hybrid cars are much safer for drivers and passengers.

Negative aspects of hybrid cars

While the hybrid car has many benefits for the environment, it also has a few negative effects. The batteries in these cars are usually made of nickel or lithium. And according to, nickel is thought to be a potential carcinogen. And there are environmental concerns about nickel mining. Hybrid batteries operate at much higher voltages than conventional vehicles, especially as it increases the risk of electric shocks in accidents. And hybrid cars tend to be extremely lifeless types. Also, hybrid cars are much more expensive than conventional vehicles.

Hybrid car in Bangladesh.

Over the past few years, our country has imported a small number of hybrid cars. The first hybrid car to hit the car market in this country is Toyota’s ‘Prius’. Later came the hybrid car of other companies including sedans. However, imports and promotions did not increase as the purchase price and duty on cars were much higher. Recently, in the budget of the 2018-2019 fiscal year, it has been said to reduce the duty imposed on this sector to reduce the price of this car. In this case, the budget has proposed to reduce the supplementary duty on imports of low cc hybrid motor vehicles (1600 to 1800 cc) from 45 percent to 20 percent.

This hybrid car is unmatched in terms of preventing environmental pollution and reducing fuel consumption. If we can adapt to the infrastructural conditions of our country, the demand for these eco-friendly vehicles will increase a lot.

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