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Death marches on the streets: Need a little awareness and self-will

When people leave their homes in the capital Dhaka, they should take their own lives. When an accident happens, when a life is lost. Earlier there were not so many road accidents on the roads of Dhaka but now the population is increasing at a double rate as it is capital-centric. And with this, the rate of increase in road accidents has also increased several times. It is as if a death procession is going on inside the capital. Even on the way from Dhaka to other districts, all the serious road accidents happen.

In 2018, two students standing on the sidewalk were killed by a bus. The news spread immediately and the students and the general public started a movement in the bustling city. Thousands of students took to the streets to protest. Here the ignorance of the driver, reckless driving, contempt of traffic laws are all blamed. But all in all, ordinary citizens are now hostages to road accidents. In order to solve these problems in Bangladesh, we have to find out the real cause of the problem.

Checking the driver’s driving license

Road accidents and its real cause

The whole transport system has to be blamed for finding the real cause of road accidents. It is never possible to develop an entire road accident alone. The combined development of drivers, roads, and vehicles is the only way to prevent road accidents. We will show some possible causes of road accidents –

In the case of the driver

  1. Driver incompetence, ignorance, lack of general knowledge.
  2. The reckless attitude of the driver.
  3. Lack of training, courses or other exams.
  4. Reluctance to get a license / not to make a license / not to stop making fake licenses.
  5. Not knowing/obeying traffic laws.
  6. Lack of knowledge about traffic law.
  7. Abuse of power/nepotism.
  8. Political influence.
  9. The tendency to drive competitively.
  10. Driving under the influence of drugs and not enforcing any strict laws against it.
Must have the mentality of obeying traffic laws

In the case of roads

  1. Broken and narrow road.
  2. Lack of dividers, lanes, adequate traffic signal system.
  3. Lack of adequate overbridges/lack of proper overbridges.
  4. Not fixing the right place for the bus stop.
  5. Lack of road construction/development.
  6. Decreased part of sidewalks due to sidewalks and other illegal installations.

In the case of vehicles

  1. Defective and expired car driving on the road.
  2. Carrying goods or passengers beyond the carrying capacity of the vehicle.
  3. Car parking everywhere.
  4. Do not check all the parts of the car before leaving the car.
  5. Lack of alternative transport facilities.
  6. Not controlling time.
  7. The driver does not have a good relationship with the owner.

The solution must be self-will

These are the direct causes of road accidents. Now that the causes have been identified, the second step is to solve all the problems. It is never possible to work alone. The government, the state, the common people, religion, caste, everyone must come forward to solve this problem, must obey the law. Several changes have been made to the new road law. If people obey that law, the accident rate will be comparatively much lower. There are thousands of ways to solve it. But it remains to be seen exactly how many will be implemented or maybe –

Traffic laws and other laws

  1. Everyone must obey the traffic laws. Only the driver will obey alone and the rest will not obey.
  2. Training on traffic law can be given at certain places.
  3. Carrying out traffic law awareness boards, TV screens, etc. on the side of the road.
  4. The traffic police must also be responsible. He has to fulfill his responsibilities properly. No irregularities or corruption should be allowed.
  5. Anyone can help the traffic police.
  6. Look at the signboards used on the street, read them, and try to follow them. For example, if it is written somewhere that speed limit or horn playing is prohibited, then they must be complied with.
Need to know about traffic signals

In the case of drivers and cars

  1. The driver must have proper training and age to operate the vehicle.
  2. Drivers should be encouraged to increase their minimum education, human qualities, general knowledge, etc.
  3. Political influence, abuse of power, etc. must be reduced. In other words, the law must formulate this policy equally for all.
  4. The driver should be informed about the disadvantages/harms of using drugs so that he/she can avoid taking drugs before or after driving.
  5. Do not drive competitive cars. Remember that when you sit in the driving seat you have the responsibility of many people’s lives in your hands.
  6. Avoid picking up extra luggage or passengers.
If you do not give up drugs, it will be difficult to drive home

In the case of the general public

  1. Do not cross the road everywhere. Remember, life is worth more than time.
  2. If there is an urgent need to go somewhere, try to get out of the house first.
  3. Try to obey the traffic laws as much as possible on the road.
  4. Use foot overbridge. Do not cross the road at risk.
  5. Learn about zebra crossings and signs on the road.
  6. Do not increase the misery of the people by blocking the road by any movement or strike.
Encourage children to use foot-over bridges

In the end, I will say that people are slaves of habit. It’s bad to hear, but it’s cruel. In our small town, if we can get in the habit of obeying some common laws, the incidence of road accidents in the country will be much less. Obey the law yourself, encourage others to obey the law too. We don’t want to see any news of death, we don’t want to hear any mourning news as soon as we open the magazine.

    To learn about guardians for vehicle security

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