What is the magic tool for car cleaning?
A great tool for car cleaning! Auto Detectors use clay bars to decontaminate car glass, paint, fiberglass, and metal. Detailing clay bars can be natural or synthetic. However, synthetic clay bars are the most widely used. As the name implies, clay-bar so is its nature. Like clay. Elastic. It can be used to clean the car by twisting and twisting in any way. That’s why clay bars are very useful for cleaning even the thinnest parts of the car.
How does a clay bar work?
Clay-bars are made to prevent car pollution, which we mentioned at the beginning. It is a designed resin mixture. Rub any part of the car with a clay-bar – busy! All the dust, all the dirt he will stick with himself. One thing to keep in mind all the time is to use Detail Spray before cleaning. This will soften the hard dirt. As a result, the car does not have to rub too much.
How do I know which is better?
There are two types of clay bars – medium grade and fine grade. Medium grade clay bars are basically consumer-grade. They have less aggression. If you use a medium clay bar, you will have to work a little harder on cleaning. And the fine-grade clay bars are professional grades. Clay-bar of professional grade is used in car servicing centers during car cleaning. These can be gently wiped clean during cleaning. So, if you want advice from someone who is good at car cleaning, we will talk about professional-grade clay bar. If you are not proficient, it is better to use medium grade. Cause- Professional grade clay bar can damage car paint due to high aggression.
How many days after the clearing?
There is no specific time span for cleaning, but experts recommend cleaning for car cleaning at least twice a year. If you understand cleaning very well, you can do cleaning more than two times. If you put your hand on the car and it is very uneven, you have to understand that cleaning is needed.
How do I save a clay bar?
Clay-bar should be kept in the case prescribed for it. Or keep it sealed in a plastic bag. By no means can it be kept in the refrigerator. Clay bars will be better if kept below 200 degrees Fahrenheit.
Use clay bar in car cleaning, and keep the hobby car much better. Happy cleaning!