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Be the Fuel Saver yourself, Prohori Vehicle Tracker is giving tips

Save fuel, reduce costs

As fuel prices continue to rise, so do car buyers’ decisions. When buying a car, buyers are now looking at the features of AC, wheel drive, engine, vehicle tracker, etc., as well as the fuel efficiency of the car. But will fuel efficiency just depend on the car? No! It will also depend a lot on the user’s rules and awareness. If you keep your eyes and ears open on some things, you can become the fuel-saver of your car. What could they be?

1. Easy driving

You might have a lot of fun playing with the accelerator and brakes. So he breaks suddenly or forcefully without any reason. Feel a heroic feeling playing. But sadly, in this way you are unknowingly blowing twelve times the fuel-efficiency of the car. Avoid roughness as much as possible in the case of brakes and accelerators, says car science and research. Try to drive as smoothly as possible. Vehicle Tracker will not do everything!

2. Not carrying too much weight

You may not even realize that you are carrying some unnecessary things with you when you go somewhere far away. He is loading the car with a lot of boxes and luggage. But keep in mind, the extra burden is largely responsible for fuel wastage. To remove all other things from the car except the necessary items.

3. Do not park the car with the engine running

Many people have a negative habit of turning on the engine even when spending lazy time in traffic jams. One of the main reasons for running out of fuel quickly is to keep the engine running like this. Studies have shown that even if the engine is turned off for at least 60 seconds, a lot of fuel survives. Many Vehicle Trackers store fuel-loss data per hour, so you can be aware of the fuel-loss rate, but the main role in preventing fuel wastage is yours. So keeping the car engine off at an idle time is the best way to prevent fuel wastage.

4. Getting into the habit of driving a car:

Experimental studies have shown that those who drive well by following all the rules and regulations can save at least 10 percent more fuel than others. As a result of careless driving, you can lose 270 liters of fuel instead of 250 liters in 1000 kilometers. So everyone should get in the right habit of driving.

5. Not to be negligent in car servicing as required

Various issues arising from parts in spark plugs, air filters, oxygen sensors, fuel injection systems can cause damage to the vehicle’s mileage system. An integrated effect of the issues can be a major cause of excessive fuel-depletion. Therefore, in case of any problem in these parts, proper servicing of the vehicle should be ensured without any negligence.

6. Be careful when using AC:

If you are suffering from extreme heat, you have to turn on the AC of the car, but try to keep it in normal condition as much as possible. This is because if the AC is turned on while driving, the engine gets a bit of pressure, which can cause fuel loss. It is also important to keep the AC off when not needed. Maybe in your absence, no one is paying much attention to things. Unnecessarily sitting on the AC. In that case, you can easily find out by using the vehicle tracker and alert the person.

7. Keep or change the air filter

When the air filter gets dirty, the engine has to work a little harder than usual to stay afloat. The result is a low-quality fuel economy. So the air filter should be kept clean properly or replaced if necessary. The manual that is given when buying a car has various rules and regulations of car maintenance written in it. In the case of air filters, be sure to check the manual to see if you are following those rules.

8. Keep windows closed while driving at high speed

Being able to drive with the windows closed while driving at high speeds is a positive thing for fuel-efficiency. The reason is that the air pressure created by keeping the windows open during high speed has the potential to cause fuel loss. And the vehicle tracker will notify you if you violate the speed at which you are driving, or if you set a specific speed in advance.

9. Use of synthetic oil:

The use of synthetic oils can prevent fuel loss. This is because the use of low-density oil makes your car’s engine work less. As a result, the possibility of fuel loss is greatly reduced.

10. Keeping tire inflation right


By setting the correct inflation of the tire you can prevent fuel loss by around 3%. Tire pressure must be checked once a month; More precisely every week. Using Vehicle Tracker you will get all the good and bad information of the car.

Find more fuel loss prevention tips here:

References: WikiHow, Youtube

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